I was sitting under the shade of a tree. The Sun was straight up in the sky. The light and shadows were harsh and contrasty. This is a time of day when I would normally put my camera away. But I was feeling creative and wanted to do some shooting. Then I remembered a quote from Michael Gilbert, "The best light for shooting is the light you are in" (not sure if he is the original). So I realized that in harsh and contrasty light you should be looking for a subject that looks good when harsh and contrasty. Duh! I simply glanced above me at this tree, exposed for the highlights, and captured a workable image. The important thing is that this got my vision in motion for that afternoon. I continued shooting for another couple of hours and just had a great time. The lesson I learned that day is that anytime is the right time to be shooting. While the right light and the moment are critical for a given image to work, the trick is to find the right image for the light and moment you are experiencing.
Here is another image from that afternoon:

Here is another image from that afternoon: